Professor Emeritus:Gamal Mahmoud Sayed El-Bayoumi
Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering
Email : | gelbayoumi***cu.edu.eg |
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Qualifications |
| B.Sc. (1978) "Aeronautical Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (1983) "Aerospace Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt) |
| Ph.D. (1990) "Digital Control" Cairo University (Egypt) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Aerospace |
| Dynamics |
| Control |
| Flight Mechanics |
Recent Publications : |
| -March 2011-A.S. Kraza, M. S. Bayoumi, G.M. Elbayoumi, and S.D. Hassan, "Modeling Inertial Sensor Errors Using Allan Variance", Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. E1-E10. |
| -2012-Gharib M., Omran A. and El-Bayoumi G., Optimal vibration control for structural-acoustic coupling system, Journal of Vibration and Control |
| -2011-A.S. Kraza, M. S. Bayoumi, and G. M. El-Bayoumi, "Loosely Coupled GPS/INS Integration for Land vehicle Navigation", Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector JAUES |
| -2010-A.S. Kraza, M. S. Bayoumi, and G. M. El-Bayoumi, "Stochastic Modeling Of Mems Based Inertial Sensor Errors", Al Azhar Engineering 11th International Conference . |
| -2010-M.R. Ahmed, M.M. Abdelrahman, M.M. ElNomrossy, and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Optimal Wing Twist Distribution for Roll Control of MAVs”, To be presented in the 4th International UAV Conference , in Frankfurt, Germany |
| -2009-H.E. Taha, M. Bayoumi, G.M. El-Bayoumi, and S.D. Hassan, “Aircraft Guidance System Logic Design for a Fully Autonomous Mission”, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Aerospace science and Aviation Technology (ASAT). |
| -2009-H.E. Taha, M. Bayoumi, G.M. El-Bayoumi, and S.D. Hassan, “Model Reference Adaptive Flight Path Stabilization for Altitude and Velocity Control”, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Aerospace science and Aviation Technology (ASAT). |
| -2009-A. Omran, M. Gharib, and Gamal El-Bayoumi, "Static Output Feedback Controller for Structural Acoustics System”, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Aerospace science and Aviation Technology (ASAT). |
| -2009-A. Omran, A. Kassem, G. El-Bayoumi, and M. Bayoumi, "Mission-Based Optimal Control of Stewart Manipulator", Journal of Aircraft and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp 226 -233. |
| -2008-A.M. Omran, A. Kassem, G. El-Bayoumi, and M. Bayoumi, "Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Control for a 6-DOF Non Redundant Stewart Manipulator", International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering (IJMSSE) 2;2 © www.waset.org Spring , pp73-79 |
| -2008-ِِِA.M. Omran, M. Bayoumiu, A.H. Kassem and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Simulation and Control of a Six-DOF Non-Redundant Stewart Manipulator”, accepted in the International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering (IJMSSE). |
| -2007-Maya M. emarah, A.H. Kassem, and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Modeling and Control Multi Flexible Link Robot”, Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on electrical Engineering. |
| -2007-T.M. Habib, S.D. Hassan and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Spacecraft Attitude and Attitude Rate Estimation Using Hybrid Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer Measurements”, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Aerospace science and Aviation Technology (ASAT). |
| -2007-T.M. Habib, S.D. Hassan and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Spacecraft Attitude and Attitude Rate Estimation Using Hybrid Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer Measurements”, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Aerospace science and Aviation Technology (ASAT). |
| -2007-T.M. Habib, S.D. Hassan and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Spacecraft Attitude and Attitude Rate Estimation Using Hybrid Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer Measurements”, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Aerospace science and Aviation Technology (ASAT). |
| -2006-Abdelhadi M.E., Amgad M.B., and G.M. El-Bayoumi, "An Improvement of Longitudinal Flying Quality of HSCT Aero-Elastic Mode using GPC Techniques", Proceedings of the 12th AMME Conference, pp., 16-18. |
| -2005-El Tantawy M.A., Abd El Rahman M.I., El-Bayoumi G.M., and El Soaly E.E, ”Nonlinear Control of Magnetic Bearing System with Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Controller”, 8th Conference on Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Scientific Research and Techonolgy in Cairo. |
| -2005-M.S. Bayoumi, S.D. Hassan, G.M. El-Bayoumi, And B.R. Nairouz “Reaction Wheel Momentum Dumping Using Magnetic Field Model”, 8th Conference on Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Scientific Research and Techonolgy in Cairo. |
| -2005-T.M. Habib, A.H. Kassem and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “GPS-Based Small Satellite Position And Attitude Determination Simulator”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ. |
| -2004-1. M.S. Ahmed, M.S. Bayoumi, A.H. Kassem, and G.M. El-Bayoumi, "Fault Diagnosis of Hydraulic Variable Displacement Swash Plate Axial Oiston Pump using Neural Network", Proceedings of the 11th AMME Conference, pp.,23-25. |
| -2004-M.S. Ahmed, M.S. Bayoumi, A.H. Kassem, and G.M. El-Bayoumi, "Fault Diagnosis of Hydraulic Cylinder Ciruit using Neural Network", Proceedings of the 11th AMME Conference, pp.,23-25 |
| -2002-G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Momentum Biased Satellite attitude Stablization using PD controller with Fuzzy Gain Adjustment”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol. 27, No.4, pp. M. 23-M. 40. |
| -2002-G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Momentum Biased Satellite attitude Stablization using PD controller with Fuzzy Gain Adjustment”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol. 27, No.4, pp. M. 23-M. 40. |
| -2002-G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Momentum Biased Satellite attitude Stablization using PD controller with Fuzzy Gain Adjustment”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol. 27, No.4, pp. M. 23-M. 40. |
| -2002-G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Momentum Biased Satellite attitude Stablization using PD controller with Fuzzy Gain Adjustment”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol. 27, No.4, pp. M. 23-M. 40. |
| -2002-G.M. El-Bayoumi, "Time Optimal Satellite Attitude Maneuvers in Space", Proceedings of the 10th International AMME Conference, Miltary Technical College, Cairo, pp. 175, 189, 14- 16 |
| -2001-G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Design of Stable Controllers for Model Following Discrete Time Systems using Approximate Inverse System”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol. 26, No.4, pp. M.1-M.13. |
| -2001-S.D. Hassan, M.B. Argoun, G.M. El-Bayoumi, O.M.M. Omer, “Orbit Maintenance for Small Using Electric Propulsion”, Proceedings of the 9th International ASAT Conference, Miltary Technical College, Cairo, Paper GC-07, pp 1017-1032. |
| -1999-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and M.A. Mohammed, “ Automatic Lateral Beam Guidance using Classical, Fuzzy, and Indirect Self Organizing Control”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., pp. 905-921, Vol. 46, No. 5. |
| -1999-G.M. El-Bayoumi and M.H. Gobran, “Fuzzy Logic Control of A High Bypass Turbofan Engine”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp m21-m33. |
| -1999-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and H.M. Omar, “Application of Fuzzy Logic Control to the Spacecraft Attitude Control”, 6th Conference on Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Scientific Research and Techonolgy in Cairo, pp 242-258. |
| -1999-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and H.M. Omar, “Adaptation of the Classical PID and Fuzzy Controllers”, 6th Conference on Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Scientific Research and Techonolgy in Cairo, pp 225-241. |
| -1997-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and Kh. Abdel-Motagaly , “Application of Fuzzy Logic Control to the Lonitudinal Autopilot of Large Scale Flexible Missile”, The third International Conference on Eng. Mathematics and Physics, ICEMP 97, Cairo University, Vol.,1 pp 296-308. |
| -1997-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and A. El-Shabi, “Glide Slope Coupler and Automatic Flare using Fuzzy Logic Control”, The third International Conference on Eng. Mathematics and Physics, ICEMP 97, Cairo University, Vol.,1 pp 220-230. |
| -1996-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and Kh. Abdel-Motagaly, “Two New Learning Algorithms for Rules Modification in Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Controllers”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., pp. 765-780, Vol. 43, No. 4. |
| -1996-M.I. Kamel and G.M. El-Bayoumi, "Design and Implementation of a High Performance Target Tracking System Using Classical and Fuzzy Controllers", Fourth Middle East power System Conference MEPCON'96, Assiut Univ., Egypt, pp. 319-323. |
| -1996-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and Kh. Abdel-Motagaly, "Altitude Control of Large Scale Flexible Missile Using Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Control" 6th Cairo University Conference On Mechanical Design and Production, , pp. 741-754. |
| -1995-S.D. Hassan, G. M. El-Bayoumi, and Kh. Abdel-Motagaly ,"Longitudinal Autopilot Design for Large Scale Flexible Missile Using LQR Control", Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Eng. & Tech., University of Helwan, Vol. 5,pp. 91-104. |
| -1995-G.M. El-Bayoumi, "Closed Form Solution For The Numerator Polynomial of Sampled Data Systems", Proceedings of the 6th ASAT Conference, GC-4 47-55. |
| -1994-G.M. El-Bayoumi, "On the Robustness of Low Order Herwitz Polynomials", Proceedings of the 6th AMME Conference, pp. 251-260. |
| -1994-G.M. El-Bayoumi, "Effects of Lag Controllers on the Transient Response of Discrete Time Systems", Proceedings of the 6th AMME Conference, pp. 241-250. |
| -1993-S.D. Hassan, and G.M. El-Bayoumi, "Multi Variable Set Point Tracking Using Pole Zero Placement Controllers", Fifth Aeronautical Sciences & Aviation Technology Conference, ASAT, Military Technical College MTC, Cairo. |
| -1989-1. S.D. Hassan, G.M. El-Bayoumi, and M.S. Bayoumi, "Modified Pole-Zero Placement Controllers for Better Set-Point Tracking", Scientific Eng. Bulletin, Faculity of Engineering, Cairo University, No.3, Vol. 36, pp 766-784. |
| -1984-E.A. Sadek, and G.M. El-Bayoumi, "An Optimality Criterion Method for Structural Optimization problems", Scientific Eng. Bulletin, Faculity of Engineering, Cairo University, No. 3, pp. 199-218. |
| --M.R. Ahmed, M.M. Abdelrahman, M.M. ElNomrossy, and G.M. El-Bayoumi, “Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Micro Air Vehicle Wing”, 10th Int. Congress of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD10), Dec. 16-19, Ain Soukhna, Red Sea, Egypt. |