Professor/أستاذ:Amr Amin Adly
Electrical Power and Machines
| Vice Dean of Graduate Studies & Research (IEEE Fellow) | |
Email : | adlyamr***gmail.com |
Academic Citation : | http://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=8gifNXsAAAAJ&hl=en |
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Qualifications |
| B.Sc. (1984) "Elect. Power Eng." Cairo University (Egypt) |
| M.Sc. (1987) "Elect. Power Eng." Cairo University (Egypt) |
| Ph.D. (1992) "Electrical Engineering" University of Maryland (USA) |
Fields of Interest : |
| Electromagnetics, field computation |
| Modeling and simulation of magnetic and magnetostrictive materials |
| Magnetic measurement instrumentation |
| Electrical machines and power engineering |
| Applied superconductivity |
| Magneto-hydro-dynamics |
| Magnetic recording |
Recent Publications : |
| -2013-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Efficient Modeling of Vector Hysteresis Using a Novel Hopfield Neural Network Implementation of Stoner-Wohlfarth-Like Operators,” Journal of Advanced Research (Elsevier JAR), 2013 (to appear). |
| -2013-A.A. Adly, D. Davino, A. Giustiniani and C. Visone, “Vector Magnetic Hysteresis Modeling of Stress Annealed Galfenol,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, pp. 17A931, 2013. |
| -2013-S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz and A.A. Adly, “Three Dimensional Identification of Crack Location in Conducting Slabs Using Wavelets,” IEEE Trans. Magn., 2013 (to appear). |
| -2012-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Active electromagnetic suspension system design using hybrid neural-swarm optimization," Proc. of the 12th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 42-43, September 19 – 21, 2012. |
| -2012-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "A wavelet approach for three dimensional crack detection in slabs using current injection perturbation," Proc. of the 12th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 30-31, September 19 – 21, 2012. |
| -2012-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "A Wavelet Approach for the Identification of Surface Cracks Using Current Injection Perturbation," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, pp. 07E316, 2012 |
| -2012-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Efficient Vector Hysteresis Modeling Using Rotationally Coupled Step Functions," Physica-B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, pp. 1350-1353, 2012. |
| -2012-M. El-Hakim, T. Sakr, A. Dimitri, J. Mahfoud, A.A. Adly and A. El-Shafei, “Numerical and experimental identification of a combined Journal-Magnetic bearing: Smart Integrated Bearing,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, IMechE, London UK, pp. 399-407, 11-13 September 2012. |
| -2012-D. Davino, A. Giustiniani, C. Visone and A.A. Adly, “Energy harvesting tests with Galfenol at variable magneto-mechanical conditions,” IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 48, pp. 3096-3099, 2012. |
| -2011-S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz and A.A. Adly, "Identification of Surface Cracks in Magnetic Bodies Using Wavelets on a Bounded Interval," Physica-B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 406, pp. 280-286, 2011 |
| -2011-D. Davino, A. Giustiniani, C. Visone and A.A. Adly, "Experimental analysis of vibrations damping due to magnetostrictive based energy harvesting," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, pp. 07E509, 2011 |
| -2011-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "An Evolutionary Computation Approach for Time-Harmonic Field Problems Involving Nonlinear Magnetic Media," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, pp. 07D321, 2011 |
| -2011-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Vector Hysteresis Modeling Using Octal Clusters of Coupled Step Functions," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, pp. 07D342, 2011 |
| -2011-M. Nashed, M.M. Abd-El-Aziz, A. Adly and E. Abou-El-Zahab, "Electromagnetic Forces Densities for 3 Phase Busbar Parallel Connected to Rectifier Load,” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Frankfurt, Germany, Session 2, Paper No. 136, pp. 1-4, May 2011 |
| -2010-S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz and A.A. Adly, "Deducing Local Field Values From Large Sense Coil Fluxmeter Measurements Using Semi-Orthogonal Compactly Supported Spline Wavelets," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 46, pp. 1869-1872, 2010 |
| -2010-C. Visone, D. Davino and A.A. Adly, "Vector Preisach Modeling of Magnetic Shape Memory Materials Oriented to Power Harvesting Applications," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 46, pp. 1848-1851, 2010. |
| -2010-A.A. Adly, D. Davino, A. Giustiniani, and C. Visone, "Experimental Tests of a Magnetostrictive Energy Harvesting Device and Its Modeling," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 107, pp. 09A935, 2010. |
| -2010-A.A. Adly, A.O. Mahgoub, C. Visone, and D. Davino, "Exploiting Magnetostrictive Materials For Vibration Energy Harvesting," Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV17), Cairo, Egypt, Paper #423, July 2010 |
| -2009-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, “Utilizing Particle Swarm Optimization in the Field Computation of Nonlinear Media Subject To Mechanical Stress,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 07D507, 2009. |
| -2009-A.A. Adly and H.H. Hanafy, “Incorporating Core Hysteresis Properties In 3-D Computations of Transformer Inrush Current Forces,” Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 07A329, 2009 |
| -2009-A.A. Adly, M.M. Abdel-Aziz and N.S. Hosny, “Deducing Local ELF Field Values From Large Sense Coil Fluxmeter Measurements,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 07E721, 2009. (** Paper also selected to appear in the April 1, 2009 issue of the " Virtual Journal of Biological Physics" **) |
| -2008-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, " Implementation of Magnetostriction Preisach-Type Models Using Orthogonally-Coupled Hysteresis Operators,” Physica-B: Condensed Matter (Elsevier, North-Holland), Vol. 403, pp. 425-427, 2008. |
| -2008-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Efficient Modeling of Magnetostrictive Media Using Fuzzy Inference Systems,” IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 44, pp. 2219-2226, 2008. |
| -2008-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Efficient Modeling of Vector Hysteresis Using Fuzzy Inference Systems,” Physica-B: Condensed Matter (Elsevier, North-Holland), Vol. 403, pp. 3812-3818, 2008. |
| -2007-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Efficient Implementation of Anisotropic Vector Preisach-Type Models Using Coupled Step Functions," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 43, pp. 2962-2964, 2007 |
| -2007-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Speed Range Based Optimization of Non-linear Electromagnetic Braking Systems," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 43, pp. 2606-2608, 2007. |
| -2007-H.I. Anis, A.A. Adly, M. Morcos, and A.A. Huzayyin, “Experimental Investigation Of Water Quality Modification Using Magnetic Means,” Proceedings of Second Ain Shams International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 216-224, April 2007 |
| -2006-A.A. Adly, D. Davino and C. Visone, “Simulation of field effects on the mechanical hysteresis of Terfenol rods and magnetic shape memory materials using vector Preisach-type models,”Physica-B: Condensed Matter (Elsevier, North-Holland), Vol. 372, pp. 207-210, 2006. |
| -2006-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Efficient implementation of vector preisach-type models using orthogonally coupled hysteresis operators," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 42, pp. 1518-1525, 2006 |
| -2006-A.A. Adly, A.A. Huzayyin, and S. Abu-Shady, “Analytical Assessment of Molten Metal Flow Patterns in Aluminum Reduction Cells,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM), Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 477-486, 2006. |
| -2006-A.A. Adly, A.F. Zobaa and G.J. Nolan, “Trends, features and recent research efforts in the field of hybrid electric vehicles,” International Journal of Alternative Propulsion (Inderscience Enterprises, Ltd. UK), Vol. 1, pp. 1-5, 2006. |
| -2006-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Using the particle swarm evolutionary approach in shape optimization and field analysis of devices involving non-linear magnetic media," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 42, pp. 3150-3152, 2006. |
| -2006-H.I. Anis, A.A. Adly, and M. Morcos, “Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Water Quality Modification Using Magnetic Means,” Proceedings of The Fourth Conference on Scientific Research Outlook and Technology Development in the Arab World (SRO4),Paper#39, Damascus, Syria, December 2006 . |
| -2006-M.M. Abd-El-Aziz, M. Naguib, A.A. Adly and E.M. Abou-El-Zahab, “Computation of Busbars Local Electromagnetic Force Densities Connected to 3-Pulse Rectifier Load over a Complete Cycle,” Proceedings of the Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON), Egypt, 2006. |
| -2005-A.A. Adly, A.A. Huzayyin, H.I. Anis and M. Morcos, “Analytical and experimental estimation of fields generated by magnetic water treatment units,” Proceedings of First Ain Shams International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 1-15, April 2005. |
| -2005-A.A. Adly, V. Basso, M. d’Aquino, D. Davino, C. Serpico and C. Visone, “Identification of a new class of vector hysteresis models,” HMM Conference Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, 2005 |
| -2004-A.A. Adly, M.M.. Abd-El-Aziz, and H.H. Zeineldin, ”Design and construction of a low cost vibrating sample magnetometer for B-H curve inference,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, (Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University), vol. 51- No. 1, pp. 99-117, February 2004. |
| -2004-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Field computation in non-linear magnetic media using particle swarm optimization," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Elsevier, North-Holland), Vol. 272-276, pp. 690-692, 2004. |
| -2004-Saleh, A. Omar, A. Amin, A. Adly, T. Fawzi, and S. El-Debeiky, "Estimation and minimization techniques of transformer tank losses,” Proceedings of the CIGRE Conference, Paris, France, Paper No. A2-104, August, 2004. |
| -2004-N.S. Hosny, A.A. Adly and M.M. Abdel-Aziz, “Deducing local ELF field values from large sense coil fluxmeter measurements,” Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (ICEEC’04), Cairo–Egypt, pp. 897-900, September 2004. |
| -2004-M.M. Abdel-Aziz, A.A. Adly and E.M. Abou-El-Zahab, “Assessment of electromagnetic forces resulting from arbitrary geometrical busbar configurations,” Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (ICEEC’04), Cairo–Egypt, pp. 774-777, September 2004. |
| -2003-Saleh, T. Fawzi, A. Adly, A. Omar and S. El-Debeiky, "Optimal design of transformers for subtransmission and distribution networks,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Barcelona, Spain, Session 1, Paper No. 89, pp. 1-4, May 2003. |
| -2003-A.A. Adly, H.H. Hanafy, and S. Abu-Shady, “Utilizing Preisach models of hysteresis in computation of three-phase transformer inrush currents," Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier, North-Holland), Vol. 65, No.3, pp. 233-238, 2003. |
| -2003-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Identification and testing of an efficient Hopfield neural network magnetostriction model," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Elsevier, North-Holland), Vol. 263, No.3, pp. 301-306, 2003. |
| -2003-C. Serpico, M. d’Aquino, C. Visone and A. Adly, "A New Vector Model of Magnetic Hysteresis Based on a Novel Class of Play Hysterons," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 39, No.5, pp. 2537-2539, 2003. |
| -2003-A.A. Adly, H.H. Hanafy, and S. Abu-Shady, “Incorporating Preisach models of hysteresis in the computation of 1-phase transformer inrush currents," Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 38, No.3, pp. 417-426, September 2003. |
| -2003-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Utilizing particle swarm optimization in the field computation of non-linear magnetic media," Journal of the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, Vol. 18, No.3, pp. 202-209, 2003. |
| -2003-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Using neural and evolutionary computation techniques in the field computation of nonlinear media," Sci. Bull. Fac. Eng. Ain Shams Univ., Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 777-794, December 2003. |
| -2003-A.A. Huzayyin, A.A. Adly, and S. Abu-Shady, “Sensing molten metal velocity patterns in Aluminum reduction cells,” Proc. 46th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, Paper# 124I, pp. 896-899, December 2003. |
| -2003-A.A. Adly, M.M. Abd-El-Aziz, and H.H. Zeineldin, “A low cost device for deducing B-H curves of magnetic materials,” Proc. 46th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, Paper# 127I, pp. 900-902, December 2003. |
| -2002-Saleh, A. Adly, T. Fawzi, A. Omar and S. El-Debeiky, "Estimation And Minimization Techniques Of Eddy Current Losses In Transformer Windings”, Proceedings of the CIGRE Conference, Paris, France, Paper No. 12-105, August, 2002. |
| -2002-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Automated two-dimensional field computation in nonlinear magnetic media using Hopfield neural networks," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 38, pp. 2364-2366, 2002. |
| -2001-A.A. Adly, "A Variable Frequency Electromagnetic Technique for locating Embedded Cracks in Conducting Media," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 37, pp. 2800-2802, 2001. |
| -2001-A.A. Adly, "Controlling Linearity and Permeability of Iron Core Inductors Using Field Orientation Techniques," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 37, pp. 2855-2857, 2001. |
| -2001-A.A. Adly, "Computation of Inrush Current Forces on Transformer Windings," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 37, pp. 2891-2893, 2001. |
| -2001-I.D. Mayergoyz, C. Tse, C. Krafft and A.A. Adly, “Spin-stand imaging of transverse magnetization profiles of recorded tracks," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 89, pp. 6775-6777, 2001 |
| -2001-A.A. Adly, M.F. El-Demerdash, H.A. Ahmed and A.A. Afifi, "Computational analysis of pipe cathodic protection using the method of electrostatic images," Proc. of the International Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Technology & Automation, Paper#123, Dec. 2001, Cairo, Egypt. |
| -2000-C. Visone, C. Serpico, I.D. Mayergoyz, M.W.Huang, and A.A. Adly, Neural-Preisach-Type Models and their Application to the Identification of Magnetic Hysteresis from Noisy Data,"Physica B, Vol. 275, pp. 223-227, 2000. |
| -2000-I.D. Mayergoyz, A.A. Adly, Mingwei Huang, and C. Krafft, “Experimental Testing of the Preisach Modeling of Superconducting Hysteresis,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 87, pp. 5552-5554, 2000. |
| -2000-A.A. Adly, S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Identification of Vector Preisach Models From Arbitrary Measured Data Using Neural Networks,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 87, pp. 6821-6823, 2000. |
| -2000-M.F. El-Demerdash, A.A. Adly, S.E. Abu-Shady, W. Ismail and F.M. El-Dawi, "Towards a More Stable Aluminum Cell Via Busbar Configuration Optimization," Light Metals, pp. 291-295, 2000. |
| -2000-I.D. Mayergoyz, A.A. Adly, M.W. Huang, and C. Krafft, “Scaling and Data Collapse in Magnetic Viscosity of Superconductors," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 36, pp. 3208-3210, 2000. |
| -2000-I.D. Mayergoyz, A.A. Adly, M.W. Huang, and C. Krafft, “Experimental Testing of Vector Preisach Models for Superconducting Hysteresis,” IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 36, pp. 3505-3507, 2000 |
| -2000-C.E. Korman, A.A. Adly, Isaak D. Mayergoyz, and Pattana Rugkwamsook, "A Model for Magnetic Aftereffect in the Presence of Time Varying Demagnetizing Fields," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 36, pp. 3182-3184, 2000. |
| -2000-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Utilizing Hopfield Neural Networks in the Analysis of Reluctance Motors," IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 36, pp. 3147-3149, 2000. |
| -1999-A.A. Adly, W. Ismail, and S. Abu-Shady, “Analytical Determination of 3-D Current Density Distribution in Aluminum Reduction Cells,” Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgy, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt, Vol. 3, pp. 1-9, Feb. 1999. |
| -1999-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, “Automated Transformer Design and Core Rewinding Using Neural Networks,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 46, no. 2., pp. 351-364, April 1999. |
| -1999-I.D. Mayergoyz, A.A. Adly, C. Korman, M.W. Huang, and C. Krafft, “Scaling and Data Collapse in Magnetic Viscosity,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 85, pp. 4358-4360, 1999. |
| -1999-A.A. Adly, S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Using Neural Networks in the Identification of Preisach-Type Magnetostriction and Field-Temperature Models,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 85, pp. 5211-5213, 1999. |
| -1998-A.A. Adly and S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz, “Using neural networks in the identification of Preisach-type hysteresis models,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 34, pp. 629-635, 1998. |
| -1998-A.A. Adly and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Simulation of Field-Temperature Effects in Magnetic Media Using Anisotropic Preisach Models,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 34, pp. 1264-1266, 1998 |
| -1997-H.I. Anis, H.A. Elghazaly, A.A. Adly, M.A. Awadallah, and S.Mahmoud, “Measurements of ELF Magnetic Field Levels in Egypt,” Proceedings of The CIGRE Regional Meeting for the Affrican Continent, paper No. IV-102, Cairo, Sept. 1997. |
| -1997-M. Gilany, A.A. Adly, and R. Radwan, “A Novel Method for Eliminating the Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Current; Part-I: Theory and Analysis,” Proc. of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS’97), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 425-429, December 1997. |
| -1997-S.K. Abd-El-Hafiz and A.A. Adly, “A hybrid Preisach-neural network approach for modeling systems exhibiting hysteresis,” Proc. of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS’97), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 976-979, December 1997. |
| -1997-H.A. Elghazaly, A.A. Adly, and H.I. Anis, “Magnetic Field Measurement in Egyptian Residential and Commercial Buildings,” Fifth International Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON97), Alexandria, Egypt, January 4-6, Vol. 2, pp. 514-518, 1997. |
| -1997-A.A. Adly, I.D. Mayergoyz, and A. Bergqvist, “Utilizing Anisotropic Preisach-Type Models in the Accurate Simulation of Magnetostriction,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 33, pp. 3931-3933, 1997. |
| -1997-A.A. Adly and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Accurate Modeling of Vector Hysteresis using a Superposition of Preisach-Type Models,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 33, pp. 4155-4157, 1997. |
| -1996-A.A. Adly, “Solution of Induction Heating Problems Involving Media With Hysteresis,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 79, pp. 4657-4659, 1996. |
| -1996-A.A. Adly, A.A. Mahfouz, O.A. Mahgoub, and S.A. Zeid, “Field Distribution and Power Loss Assessment in Conductive Rod Cores,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Vol. 32, pp. 4293-4295, 1996. |
| -1996-A.A. Adly and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Magnetostriction simulation using anisotropic vector Preisachtype models,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 32, pp. 4773-4775, 1996. |
| -1996-H.I. Anis, H.A. Elghazaly, and A.A. Adly, “Harmonic ELF Magnetic Fields - Their Measurements and Risk Assessment,” The 1996 Annual Review of Reasearch on Biological Effects of Electric, and Magnetic Fields from Generation, Delivery and Use of Electricity, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Nov., pp. 102-103, 1996. |
| -1995-A.A. Adly, “Performance Simulation of Hysteresis Motors Using Accurate Rotor Media Models,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Vol. 31, pp. 3542-3544, 1995. |
| -1995-A.A. Adly, “Determination of Total Transformer Losses Resulting from Semirotating Flux Excitation,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Vol. 31, pp. 4253-4255, 1995. |
| -1995-A.A. Adly, H.A. Elghazaly, and H.I. Anis, “A Fluxmeter for Frequency- Based Sorting of ELF Magnetic Fields” Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE/KHT Stockholm Power Tech Conference, Sweden, High Voltage Technology Volume, pp. 381-385, 1995. |
| -1994-A.A. Adly, “Numerical Implementation and Testing of New Vector Isotropic Preisach-Type Models,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 30, pp. 4383-4385, 1994. |
| -1994-El-Erian, H.I. Anis, M.A. Tawfik, M.K. El-Sherbini and A.A. Adly, "Evaluation of Engineering Education Programs (Egypt Case Study)," Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Engineering Education and Training, Vol. 1, pp. 227-239, Nov. 1994. |
| -1993-I.D. Mayergoyz, A.A. Adly, R.D. Gomez, and E.R. Burke, “Experimental Testing of Point Charge Model of Magnetic Force Scanning Tunneling Microscopy,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 73, pp. 5796-5798, 1993. |
| -1993-I.D. Mayergoyz, A.A. Adly, R.D. Gomez, and E.R. Burke, “Magnetization Image Reconstruction from Magnetic Force Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 73, pp. 5799-5801, 1993. |
| -1993-A.A. Adly and I.D. Mayergoyz, “A New Vector Preisach-Type Model of Hysteresis,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 73, pp. 5824-5826, 1993. |
| -1993-R. D. Gomez, E. R. Burke, A. A. Adly, I. D. Mayergoyz, J. Gorczyca, and M. Kryder, “Microscopic Investigations of Overwritten Data,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 73, pp. 6001-6003, 1993. |
| -1993-R.D. Gomez, A.A. Adly, I.D. Mayergoyz, E.R. Burke, J. Gorczyca, and M. Kryder, “Magnetic Force Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of High Density Recording,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 73, pp. 6180-6182, 1993. |
| -1993-I.D. Mayergoyz and A.A. Adly, “A New Isotropic Vector Preisach-Type Model of Hysteresis and Its Identification,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 29, pp. 2377-2379, 1993. |
| -1993-A.A. Adly, I.D. Mayergoyz, R.D. Gomez, and E.R. Burke, “Computation of Magnetic Fields in Hysteretic Media,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 29, pp. 2380-2382, 1993. |
| -1993-R. D. Gomez, A. A. Adly, I. D. Mayergoyz, and E. R. Burke, “Magnetic Force Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Theory and Experiment,"" IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 29, pp. 2494-2499, 1993. |
| -1993-E.R. Burke, R.D. Gomez, A.A. Adly, and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Magnetic Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Theory and Experiment ,” The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Proceedings, Vol. 1855, pp. 166-177, 1993. |
| -1993-A.A. Adly and Y. J. Zhao, “Efficient Preisach Demagnetization Algorithm and its Experimental Testing,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 75, pp. 5502-5504, 1993. |
| -1992-R.D. Gomez, E.R. Burke, A.A. Adly, and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Magnetic Field Imaging by Using Magnetic Force Scanning Tunneling Microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters, 60 (7), pp. 906908, 1992. |
| -1992-A.A. Adly and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Experimental Testing of the Average Preisach Model of Hysteresis,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, pp. 2268-2270, 1992. |
| -1992-I.D. Mayergoyz and A.A. Adly, “Numerical Implementation of the Feedback Preisach Model", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, pp. 2605-2607, 1992. |
| -1992-E.R. Burke, R.D. Gomez, A.A. Adly, and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Analysis of Tunneling Magnetic Force Microscopy Using a Flexible Triangular Probe,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, pp. 3135-3137, 1992. |
| -1992-R.D. Gomez, E.R. Burke, A.A. Adly, and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Magnetic Force Scanning Tunneling Microscope Imaging of Overwritten Data,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, pp. 3141-3143, 1992. |
| -1992-E.R. Burke, R.D. Gomez, A.A. Adly, and I.D. Mayergoyz, “Tunneling Magnetic Force Microscopy,” NASA Conference Publication 3189, Vol. 2, pp. 429-438, 1992. |
| -1991-A.A. Adly, I. D. Mayergoyz, and A. Bergqvist, “Preisach Modeling of Magnetostrictive Hysteresis,” Journal of Applied Physics, 69 (8), pp. 5777-5779, 1991. |
| -1990-I.D. Mayergoyz, A.A. Adly, and G. Friedman, “New Preisach-Type Models of Hysteresis and their Experimental Testing,” Journal of Applied Physics, 67 (9), pp. 5373-5375, 1990. |
| -1989-M.N. Abdel-Hamid, M.H. El-Markabi, and A.A. Adly, “Operation of Cage Induction Motor with Unbalanced Voltages and Rotor Cage,” Proceedings of the Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON), Egypt, paper no. EM03-020, pp. 139-145, 1989. |
Recent Projects : | | -2009-"Modeling and control of magneto-elastic multifunctional materials for power harvesting in automotive application", Italy-Egypt Research Project, 2009-2011 | | -2003-“Magnetic Water
Treatment for Industrial, Agricultural & Domestic Purposes” Joint US-Egypt Project (Kansas State Univ. - Cairo Univ.)2003-2007 |
Recent Prizes : | | -2013-Recipient of 2 out of 10 Ministry of Higher Education 2012 Publications Excellence Awards (for publications having highest Eigen Factors) | | -2011-IEEE Fellow | | -2006-Egyptian State Excellence Prize in Engineering Sciences | | -2002-Shoman Young Arab Scientist Prize in Engineering Sciences | | -1994-Egyptian State Encouragement Prize in Engineering Sciences |
Graduate Students : | | -2010-Abdelmoamen Osama Mahgoub, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., "Modeling And Control Of Magneto-Elastic Multifunctional Materials For Power Harvesting In Automotive Applications" | | -2010-Saly Rotby Nashed, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., "Electrical Field Stress on Circuit Breakers' Contacts and Insulating Container Under Static and Dynamic Conditions" | | -2010-Saly Rotby Nashed, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., "Electrical Field Stress on Circuit Breakers' Contacts and Insulating Container Under Static and Dynamic Conditions" | | -2006-Ahmed Abdel-Khalek Ragheb, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., “Design and Performance Analysis of Power Transformers Using the Finite Element Modeling” | | -2006-Mona Mamdouh Abdel-Aziz, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., “Investigation of Electromagnetic Forces Acting on Adjacent Busbars Due to Harmonic and Short-Circuit Currents” | | -2006-Nesreen Samir Hosny, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., “Deducing Local Exteremly–Low–Frequency Fields From Large Sense Coil Fluxmeter Measurements” | | -2004-Ahmed Aly Huzayyin, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., “Analytical and Experimental Assessment of Electromagnetically driven Molten Metal Flow Patterns in Aluminum Reduction Cells” | | -2003-Hanafy Hassan Hanafy, Ph.D., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., “Incorporating Core Magnetic Properties in the Investigations and 3-D Computations of Electromagnetic Fields and Forces During Transformers Switching” | | -2002-Hetem Hussein Zeineldin, M.Sc., Elect. Power Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., “Design and Construction of a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer for B-H Curve Measurements” | | -2001-Afifi Abdel-Mageed Afifi, M.Sc., Metallurgical Eng., Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ., “Computational Analysis of Current Density Distribution in Cathodic Protection Using the Method of Electrostatic Images” |
Patents : | | -1993-Edward R. Burke, Isaak D. Mayergoyz, Amr A. Adly and Romel D. Gomez, "Method of Measuring Magnetic Fields on Magnetically Recorded Media using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Magnetic Probe".
U.S. Patent No. 5,264,794 Date of Patent: Nov. 23, 1993
Administrative Positions : | | -2012-Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ. | | -2010-Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ. | | -2009-Director, Center for Advancement of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering Sciences (CAPSCU),
Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ. | | -2009-Deputy Director, Center for Advancement of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering Sciences (CAPSCU), Faculty of Eng., Cairo Univ. | | -2006-R&D Component Manager, Industrial Modernization Centre (IMC)
Membership in Scientific Societies : | | --IEEE Magnetics Society | | --IEEE Microwave Society | | --IEEE Industrial Applications Society | | --IEEE Mag. Soc. Technical Committee Member |
Editor/Reviewer : | | -2012-Editorial Board, Elsevier Journal of Advanced Research (JAR) | | -2010-Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics | | --Former Editorial Board Member, Inderscience International Journal of Renewable Energy Technologies (IJRET) | | --Former Editorial Board Member, Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research (JEAS) |
Invited lectures : | | -2012-“Energy Harvesting Using Magnetostrictive Materials,” Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), Torino, Italy. | | -2012-“Energy Harvesting Using Magneto-Elastic Materials,” EE Dept., Ghent University, Belgium. | | -2011-"Identification of Surface Cracks in Magnetic Bodies Using Wavelets on a Bounded Interval," EE Dept., Univ. Sannio, Benevento, Italy. | | -2011-"Efficient Vector Hysteresis Modeling Using Rotationally Coupled Step Functions," 2011 Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling (HMM) Conference, Levico, Italy. | | -2010-"Industry Needs from Engineering Education," ICESCO Chair Activities, Cairo University, Egypt. | | -2010-"Utilizing Magnetostrictive Materials in Energy Harvesting from Mechanical Vibrations," Egypt-Japan Workshop on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Technologies, Cairo, Egypt. | | -2009-"Deducing Local Values From Spatially Averaging Measuring Devices," EE Dept., Univ. Sannio, Benevento, Italy. | | -2009-"Dual Use Of Particle Swarm Evolutionary Approach In Energy Minimization And Device Optimization," EE Dept., Univ. Sannio, Benevento, Italy. | | -2009-"Incorporating Core Hysteresis Properties In 3-D Computations Of Transformer Inrush Current Forces," EE Dept., Univ. Napoli, Napoli, Italy. | | -2004-"Superconducting Elect. Machines," EE Dept., Univ. Sannio, Benevento, Italy. | | -2003-"Magnetic Measurement Instrumentation," EE Dept., Univ. Napoli, Napoli, Italy. |