Professor Emeritus:Samir I. Shaheen
Computer Engineering
Email :sshaheen***
Work Phone :+202-35678981
Room Number :3705
Fax :+202-35723486
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Academic Citation :
imgB.Sc. (1971) "Electronics and Communication" Cairo University (Egypt)
imgM.Sc. (1974) "Electronic and Computer Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt)
imgPh.D. (1979) "Electrical and Computer Engineering" McGill University, Montreal (Canada)
Fields of Interest :
imgCryptography and Computer Security, Wireless and Mobile networks
imgImage Processing, Remote Sensing, and Computer Vision
imgArtificial Intelligence, Human Machine Interface, and E-Learning, Social Networks.
Recent Publications :
img-2024-Redhwan MA Saad, Mohammed Anbar, Selvakumar Manickam, Samir I Shaheen, Iznan H Hasbullah "Neighbor discovery protocol anomaly-based detection system using neural network algorithm", International Journal of Information Security, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 1-17, Feb. 2024.
img-2024-Ahmed Soliman, Samir Shaheen, and Mayada Hadhoud, Complex & Intelligent SystemsJournal, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-24, Feb. 2024.
img-2023-Sandra Rizkallah, Amir F Atiya, Samir Shaheen, "Arcoq: Arabic closest opposite questions dataset", arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.14384, March 2023.
img-2023-Tamer K Arafa, Basem I Elgendi, Samir I Shaheen, "A Run-Length and Discrete Cosine Transform Based Technique for Image Splicing Detection", 2023 International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference (MIUCC), Sept 2023.
img-2023-Sandra Rizkallah, Amir F Atiya, Samir Shaheen, Hossam ElDin Mahgoub, "ArSphere: Arabic word vectors embedded in a polar sphere", International Journal of Speech Technology, Vol. 25, Issue 1, Springer US, pp. 95-111, March 2023.
img-2023-Redhwan M.A. Saad, Khaled A.M. Al Soufy and Samir I. Shaheen, "Security in smart home environment: issues, challenges, and countermeasures - a survey", International Journal of Security and Network, March 2023,
img-2023-Redhwan MA Saad, Khaled AM Al Soufy, Samir I Shaheen, "Security in smart home environment: issues, challenges, and countermeasures-a survey", International Journal of Security and Networks, Vol 18, No 1, pp. 1-9, 2023.
img-2022-Ahmed S Soliman, Mayada M Hadhoud, Samir I Shaheen, "MarianCG: a code generation transformer model inspired by machine translation", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol 29, No1, Dec. 2022.
img-2022-Sandra Rizkallah, Amir F. Atiya, and Samir Shaheen, ARCOQ: Arabic Closest Opposite Questions Dataset, In press.
img-2022-Sandra Rizkallah, Amir F. Atiya, ArSphere: Arabic Word Vectors Embedded in a Polar Sphere” accepted for publication in International Journal of Speech Technology. (IN PRESS)
img-2021-Sandra Rizkallah, Amir F. Atiya, and Samir Shaheen. “New Vector-Space Embeddings for Recommender Systems.” Applied Sciences Journal, Special Issue: New Trends in Artificial Intelligence for Recommender Systems and Collaborative Filtering, vol. 11, no. 14 (2021): p. 6477.
img-2021-Dina Elreedy, Amir F. Atiya and Samir I. Shaheen, "Multi-Step Look-Ahead Optimization Methods for Dynamic Pricing With Demand Learning", IEEE Access, June 2021.
img-2021-Elreedy, D., Atiya, A.F. & Shaheen, S.I., Novel pricing strategies for revenue maximization and demand learning using an exploration–exploitation framework. Soft Comput 25, July 2021. 11711–11733 (2021).
img-2021-Mohamed Nour, Nadia Hegazi, Samir Shaheen, Nabila Kohdeir, "Diagnosis of the student bugs in the Intelligent Tutoring Systems", MEJ-Mansoura Engineering Journ, Vol 22, No 1, pp 57-65. March 2021
img-2021-Fatma Samir, Ayman AM Ibrahim, Samir I Shaheen, "Coarse Segmentation of Textured Images Using Variance Analysis", MEJ-Mansoura Engineering Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 1-12, Sept. 2021.
img-2020-Sandra Rizkallah, Amir F. Atiya, and Samir Shaheen. “A polarity capturing sphere for word to vector representation.” Applied Sciences Journal, Special Issue: Natural Language Processing: Emerging Neural Approaches and Applications, vol. 10, no. 12 (2020): p. 4386.
img-2020-Sandra Rizkallah, Amir F. Atiya, and Samir Shaheen. “Learning Spherical Word Vectors for Opinion Mining and Applying on Hotel Reviews.” In International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, pp. 200-211. Springer, Cham, 2020.
img-2020-Tamer Arafa, Samir Shaheen, Basem Ibrahem, Jpournal of Faculty of Engineering, April 2020.
img-2019-Dina Elreedy, Amir F. Atiya and Samir I. Shaheen, “A Novel Active Learning Regression Framework for Balancing the Exploration-Exploitation Trade-Off “, Journal of Entropy, V. 21, 651, July 2019.
img-2019-Abbas, H., Shaheen, S., & Amin, M. . "Engineering Large Complex Critical Infrastructures of Future Smart Cities as Self-adaptive Systems", In Security in Smart Cities: Models, Applications, and Challenges (pp. 143-170). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-01560-2, 2019
img-2019-Hosny Abbas and Samir Shaheen, "Noshape: A Bio-Inspired Model for Metaphorically Modeling Complex Agent Organizations as Amoebas", International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI) 9(1). ISSN: 1947-9344, 2019
img-2019-2019 15th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) Faculty Of Engineering , Cairo University, Giza , Egypt, December 29-30, 2019
img-2018-Hosny A Abbas, Samir Shaheen, “Towards a hybrid MAS organizational model: combining the ACMAS and OCMAS viewpoints”, International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), Volume 7, No. 4, Pages 18-50, October 2017.
img-2018-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I., Amin, M. H. (2018), “Providing a Transparent Dynamic Organization Technique for Efficient Aggregation of Multiple JADE Agent Platforms”, IEEE International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering (ITCE’18), Feb.19-21, Aswan, Egypt, 2018, Pp. 100-108, ISBN: 978-1-5386-0879-1.
img-2018-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I., Amin, M. H. (2018), “Providing a Transparent Dynamic Organization Technique for Efficient Aggregation of Multiple JADE Agent Platforms”, IEEE International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering (ITCE’18), Feb.19-21, Aswan, Egypt. ISBN: 978-1-5386-0879-1, 2018
img-2018-Hosny Abbas, Samir Shaheen , Mohamed Elhoseny , Amit Kumar Singh , Majid Alkhambashi. Systems thinking for developing sustainable complex smart cities based on self-regulated agent systems and fog computing. Sustainable Computing Informatics and Systems, (SUSCOM), Elsevier, Available online 17 May 2018. ISSN: 2210-5379. IF 1.8. 2018
img-2017-The Current Agent-Based Solutions within Industrial Environments: Limitations and Challenges Journal: Computers in Industry (COMIND), ISSN: 0166-3615, Under Publication
img-2017-A novel Approach for Engineering Large-Scale Agent-Based Industrial Environments: A BioInspired Organizational Mode, Journal: International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation (IJBIC), ISSN: 1758-0366 Publisher: InderScience Under Publication
img-2017-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I. "Towards a Hybrid MAS Organizational Model: Combining the ACMAS and OCMAS Viewpoints." International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), ISSN: 1947-9344 Publisher: IGI-Global 7(4), pp: 18-50.
img-2017-Randa Atta, Samir Shaheen, Mohammad Ghanbari, "Human identification based on temporal lifting using 5/3 wavelet filters and radon transform", Elsevier, Pattern Recognition Journal, September 2017. Volume 69, April 2017, Pages 213–22.
img-2017-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I. (2017), "Towards a Hybrid MAS Organizational Model: Combining the ACMAS and OCMAS Viewpoints." International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), Vo. 7, No 4, pp: 18-50, Oct. 2017. ISSN (electronic): 1947-9352.
img-2017-Randa Atta, Samir Shaheen, Mohammad Ghanbari, “Human identification based on temporal lifting using 5/3 wavelet filters and radon transform, Journal of Pattern Recognition, Volume 69, Pages 213-224, Pergamon Press, September 2017.
img-2016-Abbas, H. A., Shaheen, S.I. and Amin, M.H., "Self-adaptive large-scale SCADA system based on self-organised multi-agent systems", International Journal of Automation and Control, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.234–266. ISSN online: 1740-7524, 2016.
img-2016-Hosny Abbas, Samir Shaheen, Mohammed Amin, “Agent-based Industrial Environments: State of the Art”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 7, No. 2, 2016.
img-2016-Abbas, Hosny A.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H. (2016), “Agent-Based Industrial Environments: State of the Art”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 7(2) · February 2016.
img-2016-Abbas, H.A., Shaheen, S.I. and Amin, M.H. (2016) ‘Self-adaptive large-scale SCADA system based on self-organised multi-agent systems’, Int. J. Automation and Control, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.234–266, 2016
img-2016-Abbas, H.A., Shaheen, S.I. and Amin, M.H. (2016) ‘Self-adaptive large-scale SCADA system based on self-organised multi-agent systems’, Int. J. Automation and Control (ISSN: 1740-7524), Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.234–266, DOI: 10.1504/IJAAC.2016.077588, Inderscience Publisher.
img-2015-Hosny Ahmed Abbas, Samir Ibrahim Shaheen, Mohammed Hussein Amin, (2015), Organization of Multi-Agent Systems: An Overview. International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. Vol. 4, No. 3, pp: 46-57. doi: 10.11648/j.ijiis.20150403.11, SPG.
img-2015-Hosny Ahmed Abbas, Samir Ibrahim Shaheen, Mohammed Hussein Amin, (2015), Organization of Multi-Agent Systems: An Overview. International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. Vol. 4, No. 3, pp: 46-57. doi: 10.11648/j.ijiis.20150403.11, SPG.
img-2015-Abbas, H., Shaheen, S. and Amin, M. (2015) Simple, Flexible, and Interoperable SCADA System Based on Agent Technology. Intelligent Control and Automation, 6, 184-199. doi: 10.4236/ica.2015.63018, Scientific Research Publisher (SCIRP).
img-2015-Abbas, H. A., Shaheen, S. (2015) "Realizing the NOSHAPE MAS Organization Model: An Operational View." International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), Vol.7.2, pp: 32-57, IGI-Global Publisher.
img-2015-Abbas, Hosny A.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H. (2015), "MOS-2: A Two-Dimension Space for Positioning MAS Organizational Models.” the International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Vol. 3(6), pp: 320-336.
img-2015-Abbas, H., Shaheen, S.I., “Adaptive Agent-Based SCADA System”, 3rd International Conference Recent treads in Engineering and Technology (ICRET'2015) Sept. 2-3, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey, 2015.
img-2015-Hosny Ahmed Abbas, Samir Ibrahim Shaheen, Mohammed Hussein Amin, “Organization of Multi-Agent Systems: An Overview”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, June 26, 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H. A., Shaheen, S. "Realizing the NOSHAPE MAS Organization Model: An Operational View." International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), Vol. 7.2, pp: 32-57, IGI-Global Publisher, 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, Hosny A.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H. "MOS-2: A Two-Dimension Space for Positioning MAS Organizational Models.” the International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Vol. 3(6), pp: 320-336, 2015
img-2015-Abbas, H.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H., “On the Adoption of Multi-Agent Systems for the Development of Industrial Control Networks: A Case Study", In the Proceeding of the Eleventh International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, Rome, Italy, IARIA, May 24 - 29, 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H., Shaheen, S. and Amin, M. "Simple, Flexible, and Interoperable SCADA System Based on Agent Technology", Intelligent Control and Automation, 6, 184-199. doi: 10.4236/ica.2015.63018, Scientific Research Publisher (SCIRP), 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H., Shaheen, S. and Amin, M. "Simple, Flexible, and Interoperable SCADA System Based on Agent Technology", Intelligent Control and Automation, 6, 184-199. doi: 10.4236/ica.2015.63018, Scientific Research Publisher (SCIRP), 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H., Shaheen, S. and Amin, M. "Simple, Flexible, and Interoperable SCADA System Based on Agent Technology", Intelligent Control and Automation, 6, 184-199. doi: 10.4236/ica.2015.63018, Scientific Research Publisher (SCIRP), 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H., Shaheen, S. and Amin, M. "Simple, Flexible, and Interoperable SCADA System Based on Agent Technology", Intelligent Control and Automation, 6, 184-199. doi: 10.4236/ica.2015.63018, Scientific Research Publisher (SCIRP), 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H., (2015), “On the Adoption of Multi-Agent Systems for the Development of Industrial Control Networks: A Case Study", In the Proceeding of the Eleventh International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, May 24 - 29, Rome, Italy.
img-2015-Abbas, H.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H., (2015), “Adaptive Agent-Based SCADA System”. In the Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference Recent treads in Engineering and Technology (ICRET'2015), Sept. 2-3 (2015), Istanbul (Turkey), International Institute of Engineers (IIE).
img-2015-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H., “Adaptive Agent-Based SCADA System”. In the Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference Recent treads in Engineering and Technology (ICRET'2015), Sept. 2-3 (2015), Istanbul (Turkey), 2015.
img-2015-Mohamed Zaki, Samir Shaheen and Haytham El-Marakeby, “Multiple object detection and localisation system using automatic feature selection”, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), Vol. 8, No. 3, Pages 146-165, ISSN: 1748-0698, 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H. A., Shaheen, S. (2015) "Realizing the NOSHAPE MAS Organization Model: An Operational View." International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), Vol. 7.2, 2015, pp: 32-57. ISSN: 1943-0744.
img-2015-Abbas, H. A., Shaheen, S. and Amin, M., "Simple, Flexible, and Interoperable SCADA System Based on Agent Technology. Intelligent Control and Automation", 6, 184-199. doi: 10.4236/ica.2015.63018, Scientific Research Publisher (SCIRP). ISSN Online: 2153-0661. IF: 1.34, 2015.
img-2015-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H., (2015), “On the Adoption of Multi-Agent Systems for the Development of Industrial Control Networks: A Case Study", In the Proceeding of the Eleventh International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems ICAS, May 2015, pp. 24 - 29, Rome, Italy.
img-2015-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H., (2015), Organization of Multi-Agent Systems: An Overview. International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. (Journal arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.09032), Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2015, pp: 46-57. ISSN Online: 2328-7683.
img-2015-Abbas, H. A.; Shaheen, S. I.; Amin, M. H., "MOS-2: A Two-Dimension Space for Positioning MAS Organizational Models.” the International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Vol. 3, nO. 6, pp: 320-336, 2015-2015.
img-2014-Reham Zaky , R. Atta, and S. Shaheen, “Gait Recognition Using Temporal Template and Radon Transform,” Port Said Engineering Research Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University, Egypt, Vol. 17, No. 2, Sept. 2014.
img-2014- Mohamed Zaki, Samir Shaheen and Haytham El-Marakeby, “Multiple object detection and localisation system using automatic feature selection”, To appear in Inertnational Journal on Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, 2014.
img-2013-Reham Zaky Shaheen, Randa Atta, and Samer Shaheen, “Title Gait Recognition Using Temporal Template and Radon Transform”, Port-Said Engineering Research Journal, Vol. 17, No.2, PP. 85-89, September 2013.
img-2013-Basem I. Ibrahim, Samir I. Shaheen, Sahar A. Moukhtar, “Novel Online Tutor Modeling For Intelligent Tutoring Systems”, International Confernce on Computer Engineering 2013, ICENCO2013, Cairo, Egypt, 2013.
img-2013-Basem I. Ibrahim, Samir I. Shaheen, Sahar A. Moukhtar, “Novel Online Tutor Modeling For Intelligent Tutoring Systems”, International Confernce on Computer Engineering 2013, ICENCO2013, Cairo, Egypt, 2013.
img-2012-Hany Mahmoud, Ahmed Bashandy, Samir Shaheen,"Protocol Based Selective FIB Download for Distributed Forwarding Architecture", IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 Workshop on Rural Communications: Technologies, Applications, Strategies and Policies RuralComm 2012) Anahiem, California, 2012.
img-2012-Alqobaty, A.; Shaheen, S.; Ibrahim, S., “A new cross layer based routing technique for mobile ad hoc networks using forwarding node selection”, 2012 Seventh International Conference on computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES), Cairo, Egypt, 27-29 November, 2012.
img-2011-Hossam A. Rahal, Ihab A. Ali, Shaheen, Samir I.," A Novel Trust Based Cross Layer Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for WSNs", International Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 3, No.4, 2011, pp. 50-60. ISSN: 2229-5208
img-2011-Hossam A. Rahal, Ihab A. Ali, Shaheen, Samir I.," A Novel Trust Based Cross Layer Model foWirteless Sensor Networks", The 28th International Radio Science Conference (NRSC 2011) April 26-28, 2011, Cairo, Egypt.
img-2011-[140] Hossam A. Rahal, Ihab A. Ali, Shaheen, Samir I.," A Novel Trust Based Cross Layer Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for WSNs", International Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 3, No.4, 2011, pp. 50-60.
img-2011-Mahmoud M Zaki, Samir I Shaheen, “Sign language recognition using a combination of new vision based features”, Journal (Pattern Recognition Letters), Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 572-577, Elsevier, North Holland, 2011.
img-2011-Waseem. M. Alhasan, Saleh Ibrahim,Hesham A. Hefny, and Samir I. Shaheen, "LDWMeanPSO: A New Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Technique", International Confernce on Computer Engineering 2011, ICENCO2011, Cairo, Egypt, 2011.
img-2011-Ghada El-Kabanny, Nayer Wannas, Nadia Hegazy, Samir I. Shaheen, "A Dynamic Load Balancing Framework for Real-time Applications in Message Passing Systems",International Journal of Parallel Programming, Springerlink, Vol. 39, No.2, 2011, pp. 143-182.
img-2011-10th International Conference on Computer Engineering, Dec. 26-28, 2011, Giza, Egypt.
img-2010-Haytham Al Marakeby, Mohamed Zaki, "Generalized Object Detection System Using Automatic Feature Selection", Int. Conf. on ISD Cairo Nov 2010, 2010.
img-2010-Elsayed E. Hemayed, Eman M. Farghal and Samir I. Shaheen, Pyramid-based multiresolution tiling for interactive viewing of remote sensing images, 2010 International Computer Engineering Conference, December 27-28, 2010, pp. 128-133.
img-2010-Noura A. Saleh, Hoda N. Boghdady, Samir I. Shaheen, Ahmed M. Darwish, "High capacity lossless data embedding technique for palette images based on histogram analysis", Digital Signal Processing, Volume 20, Issue 6, December 2010, Pages 1629-1636.
img-2009-Wazen Shbair, Ahmed Bashandy, Samir Sheheen, "new Security Mechanism to Perform Traffic Anonymity with Dummy Traffic Synthesis",IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-09, August 29-31, 2009 in Vancouver, Canada. 2009.
img-2009-Shaheen, S.I., Boghdaday, H., abo-ElFarag, A., "The Acceptance Tests of Aperiodic Real-Time Tasks for FPGAs"; IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, IPDPS-2009. IEEE International the Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, Rome, Italy, RAW-2009,25-29 May 2009
img-2008-Hisham S. Ali, Hatem M. El-Boghdadi, Samir I. Shaheen, “A New Heuristic For SOA Problem Based On Effective Tie Break Function”, Proceedings of the 11th ACM International workshop on Software & compilers for embedded systems, Vol. 296, Munich, Germany, pp. 53-59 , 2008.
img-2008-Hilal, A.R.; El-Nahas, A.; Bashandy, A. Shaheen, S., ** “Traffic Differentiating Queue For Enhancing AODV Performance in Real-Time Interactive applications”, IEEE International Conference on Performance, Computing and Communications Conference, IPCCC 2008, 7-9 Dec. 2008, pp. 378 – 383.
img-2008-Ramadan, Rabie A., Zaki, Mohamed, and Shaheen,Samir, “Hypertext Semantic Search Based Dexter Model on Distributed Heterogeneous Systems”, 4th International Computer Engineering Conference, ICENCO 2008, Cairo, Egypt.
img-2008-Rahal, Hosam, Ramadan Rabie, and Shaheen, Samir, “Scheduling in Stochastic Sensor Networks: A survey”, AUEJ, 2008. Also, Published in, AEIC10, 2008.,
img-2007-Ahmed M. Azab, Samir I. Shaheen, Sherif El-Kassas, “Tracing DDoS attacks using VPNs and mobile agents”, Proceedings of the ISCA 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, September 24-26, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
img-2007-Amin, A.M. Shaheen, S. Atiya, A., “A Novel Approach for Image Compression using Matching Pursuit Signal Approximation and Simulated Annealing”, IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 15-18, 2007, pp. 29-34.
img-2007-Saleh, N.A., Boghdady, H.N., Shaheen, S.I.,and Darwish, A.M., “High Capacity Lossless Data Hiding Technique for Palette Images Based on Histogram Analysisâ€‌, Alseveer Pub. Co., 2007.
img-2007-Abu-Elfarag, A. , El-boghdadi, H. M., Shaheen, S.I., "Miss Ratio Improvement For Real-Time Applications Using Fragmentation Aware Placement"‌, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific publishing Company, 2007.
img-2007-Saleh, N.A., Boghdady, H.N., Shaheen, S.I.,and Darwish, A.M., "Lossless and Quasi-Lossless Data Hiding Techniques for Color Palletized Images with Capacity Optimization"‌, Second Int. Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, ICSNC-2007,Cap Esterel, Riviera, France, August 25-31, 2007.
img-2007-Saleh, N.A., Boghdady, H.N., Shaheen, S.I.,and Darwish, A.M., "An efficient lossless data hiding technique for palette-based images with capacity optimization"‌, The 6th EURASIP conference EC_SIPMCS 2007, Maribor, Slovenia, June27 to July-1, 2007.
img-2007-Ahmed Abu-ElFarag, Hatem M. El-Boghdadi, Samir I. Shaheen, "Miss Ratio Improvement For Real-Time Applications Using Fragmentation-Aware Placement", The Special Issue on Advances in Circuits and Systems for Large Scale Integration, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific, 2007.
img-2007-Saleh, N.A., Boghdady, H.N., Shaheen, S.I.,and Darwish, A.M., "A Quasi-Lossless Data Embedding Technique Based on Euclidean Distance Calculation"‌, The International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies, SECURWARE 2007, Valencia, Spain, October 14-20, 2007.
img-2007-Saleh, N.A., Boghdady, H.N., Shaheen, S.I.,and Darwish, A.M., "Quasi-Lossless Data Embedding Technique for Color Palletized Imagesâ€‌ The IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, Dubai, 2007.
img-2007-Abu-ElFarag, A., El-Boghdadi, H.M., Shaheen, S.I., "Improving Utilization of Reconfigurable Resources Using Two-Dimensional Compaction"‌, The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Netherlands, Vol. 42, No. 2, May 2007. pp. 235-250.
img-2007-Ahmed Abu-ElFarag, Hatem M. El-Boghdadi, and Samir I. Shaheen,"Improving Utilization of Reconfigurable Resources Using Two-Dimensional Compaction", In the Processing of the 10th European Conference for Design, Automation and Test (DATE07), 16-20 April, 2007, Nice, France.
img-2007-Abu-ElFarag, A., El-Boghdadi, H. M., and Shaheen, Samir I.,"Miss Ratio Improvement For Real-Time Applications Using Fragmentation-Aware Placement", Proc. 14th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, Int. Parallel & Distributed Proc. Symposium IPDPS 2007),March 26-27, 2007,Long Beach,California, USA.
img-2006-Abdelsalam, I.M., Atta, R., Elsaadawi, A, and Shaheen, S.I., "5/2 Motion Compensated Temporal Analysis Based Lifting", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 53, No.2, ISSN: 1110-1903, April 2006, pp. 279-289.
img-2006-Hassan, S., Soliman, M., and Shaheen, S.I., “Parallel Implementation of the Back Propagation Algorithm Using Pentium Streaming SIMD Extensionâ€‌, The Second International Confernece on Computer Engineering ICENCO2006, 26-28 Dec. 2006, Cairo, Egypt.
img-2006-Islam M. Abd-Elsalam, Randa Atta, Attia Elsaadawi, and Samir Shaheen, "Motion Compensated Temporal Liftig Analysis With Bidirectional Motion Editmation"‌, Journal of Engineerin and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, VOL. **, NO. *, 2006, pp. ***-***.
img-2006-Abu-Elfarag, A. , El-boghdadi, H. M., Shaheen, S.I., "Fragmentation Aware Placement in Reconfigurable Devices,â€‌ The 6th IEEE International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications",‌ Cairo, Egypt, December 27-28, 2006.
img-2006-Abd-Elsalam, A., Atta, R., Elsaadawi, A., and Shaheen, S. “Motion Compensated Temporal Lifting Analysis with Bidirectional Motion Estimation,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Ain Shams University, vol. 41, no. 1,March 2006, pp. 623-636.
img-2006-Cairo University Campus Wide network This project intended to build based on Gigabit EThernet a campus wide network including Agriculture and Medical Campuses. It Uses 5 Core switches and 50 Edge switches. It has been finalized in 2010.
img-2006-Al-Hassan, W., Fayek1, M.B., Shaheen, S.I., “PSOSA: An Optimized Particle Swarm Technique for Solving the Urban Planning Problem”, The International Conference on Computer Engineering and System, 5-7 November 2006, Cairo Egypt. Pp.401-405.
img-2005-Zanaty E.A., Heshmat, M. and ,Shaheen, S.I., "‌An Algorithm For Data Reduction In Reverse Engineering"‌, 2nd Int. Conference on Intelligent Computing and Informational System , Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences , Ain Shamas University, March 5-7, 2005, Cairo, Egypt, Pp. 85-95, 2005.
img-2004-Mokhtar, S., AbdelWahab, A., Ibrahim, A., Shaheen, S., "‌The Implementation of an MTL-Based Multistrategy Learning System Using Blackboard Model of Problem Solving"‌, The First International Confernece on Computer Engineering ICENCO2004, 27-30 Dec. 2004, Cairo, Egypt.
img-2004-Shaheen, S.I., "E-Health in Egypt: Challenges and Opportunities"‌, (Invited Paper), First nternational Conference on Computer technology 2004, ICTTA04, Damascus, Syria, 18-21 April, 2004.
img-2004-F. Bayoumi, F., M. Fouad, S. Shaheen “Feature-based human face detection”, Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Radio Science Conference, 13 April 2004. NRSC 2004. Pp. C21-1-10.
img-2004-Hefny, H.A., Bahnasawi, A.A., Abdel Wahab, A.H., Shaheen, S.I., "A Novel Framework for ybrid Intelligent Systems"‌, 12th Inter. Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems", Multiple Aprroachs to Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 2004, Volume 1611/2004, 761-770, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-48765-4_81.
img-2003-Abdelrahman, M.H.; Talkhan, I.E.; Shaheen, S.I.; , "Crypto-Algorithms Maker kit," Microelectronics, 2003. ICM 2003. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on , vol., no., pp. 239- 242, 9-11 Dec. 2003.
img-2003-Mahmoud, A., Darwish, A.M., Shaheen, S.I.,Hegazi, N., "ew Hierarchical Texture Image Segmentation Technique Using Watershed Transformâ€‌, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 50, No. 3, June 2003, pp. 517-536.
img-2003-Dief, S.H., Karam, .O., and Shaheen, S.I. "Optical Bus Based Fully Shuffled Trees For Massively Parallel Systems"‌, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, June 2003.
img-2003-Nour M., Shaheen, S.I., Elkabbany, G.H.,Hegazy, N, "Proposal of an Analytical Solution for the Load Imbalance Problem in Parallel Systems"‌, Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC’03), Ljubljana, Slovenia , 13-14 October 2003, PP.170-177.
img-2003-AbdelRahman, M.H., Talkhan, I.E. and Shaheen, S. I. “ Crypto-Algorithms Maker Kitâ€‌, International Conference on Microelectonics ICM03, Cairo, Egypt, 9-11 December, 2003.
img-2002-Hosny, W., Kamel, T., Shaheen, S., "Extended Secured Mobile IP Protocol ES-MIP: Security and Performance Optimization Protocol for Mobile IP in VPN Application"‌, First Mobile & Wireless Telecommunications Summit 2002.
img-2002-El-Telbany M., Abdelwhab A., and Shaheen S. Behaviour-Based Multi-Robots Learning: A Reinforcement Learning Survey. The Egyptian Informatics Journal, Cairo University, Volume 3, No.2, December, 2002.
img-2002-El-Telbany, M.E.; Abdel-Wahab, A.H.; Shaheen, S.I., "Learning Co-Ordination By Spatial and Expertise Distribution in Multi-Agen System"‌, Journal of Engineerin and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, VOL. 49, NO. 2, April 2002, pp. 357-367.m,ankjaxiokzx
img-2002-ME El-Telbany, AH Abdel-Wahab, SI Shaheen, ”Learning Co-Ordination By Spatial and Expertise Distribution In Multi-Agent Systems”, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE-CAIRO-Volume 49, Issue 2, pp. 357-368, 2002.
img-2001-Chair (2991-2004) Computer Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Cairo University Giza Egypt
img-2001-El-Telbany M., Abdelwhab A., and Shaheen S. Learning Multirobot Co-operation by Expertise Distribution. In The International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology & Automation, Cairo, Egypt, 2001.
img-2001-El-Telbany, M.E.; Abdel-Wahab, A.H.; Shaheen, S.I., "Learning spatial and expertise distribution coordination in multiagent systems"‌, Proceedings of the 44th IEEE 2001 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MWSCAS 2001, Vol. 2 , 2001, pp.636 –640.
img-2001-Farag, A., Shaheen, S.I., Mashali, S. "Predictive DCT Based Motion Estimation Technique to be used in MPEG Systems"‌, The Procedding of IEEE Conference on Signal Processing, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2001
img-2001-Nasr, A.H., Darwish, A.M., Shaheen, S.I., "Use of Intensity-Hue –Saturation (HIS) Transformations in Change Detection of Multitemporal Remotely Sensed Data"‌, Proceeding of SPIE, the 8th International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Centre de Congres, Toulouse, France, Vol. 45541, 2001, pp. 318-327.
img-2001-Seireg, R., El-Kady, S., Shaheen, S.I., " Recognition of spoken language Arabic and English ", Int. Conf. For Basic Science, November, 2001.
img-2001-Seireg, R., El-Kady, S., Shaheen, S.I., "Numerical Characterization of five spoken languages ", Int. Conf. For Basic Science, November, 2001.
img-2000-Safia H. Deif , Omer Karam , Samir Shaheen , Abd El-Moneim Y. Bilal, "‌Optical Hierarchical Fully Shuffled Tree"‌, Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing, Vol.2, Como-Italy,March 2000.
img-2000-Emad Gad, Amir Atiya, Samir Shaheen, and Ayman El-Dessouky, "A new algorithm for learning in piecewise-linear neural networks", Neural Networks, Vol. 13, No. 4-5, pp. 485-505, May/June 2000.
img-2000-Bikhet, S.F., Darwish, A.M., Tolba, H.A. and Shaheen, S.I., "Segmentation and Classification of White Blood Cells", IEEE International Conference On Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc., ICASSP ’99, Turkey, June 2000. Vol. 4, pp.2259 –2261.
img-2000-Fouad, M.A., Darwish, A.M., Shaheen, S.I. and Bayoumi, F., "Mode-Based Human Face Detection in Unconstrained Scenes", IEEE Inter. Conf. on Image Processing ICIP-2000, Vo.2, Canada, Sept. 2000. pp. 227-230.
img-1999-Ragab, M.E., Darwish, A.M., Abed, E.M. And Shaheen, S.I., "Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis Applied to an Egyptian Face Database"‌, 12th Inter. Conf. on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), Cairo, May 1999, pp. 540-549.
img-1999-Hefny, H.A., Bahnasawi, A.A., Abdel Wahab, A.H., Shaheen, S.I., "Logical Radial Basis Function Networks a Hybrid Intelligent Model for Function Approximationâ€‌, Journal of Advances in Computer Software, ELSEVIER, Vol. 30, 1999, pp. 407-417.
img-1999-Hefny, H.A., Bahnasawi, A.A., Abdel Wahab, A.H., Shaheen, S.I., "A Novel Framework for Hybrid Intelligent Systemsâ€‌, 12th Inter. Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), Cairo, May 1999, pp. 761-770.
img-1999-Khalil, H.; Atiya, A.F.; Shaheen, S.I., "Lowering frame-buffering requirements of 3-D wavelet transform coding of interactive video"‌, Proceeding of the International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, Vol. 3 , 1999, pp. 852 –856.
img-1999-Tawfik, Y.S, Darwish, A.M. and Shaheen, S.I., "Energy Matching Based on Deformable Templates"‌, IEEE Inter. Conf. On Accoustics, Speach and Sig. Proc., ICASSP-99, Phoenix, 15-19 March 1999, Vol. 6, pp. 3481-3484.
img-1999-Appass, A.R, Darwish, A.M., El-Desouki, A.I. And Shaheen, S.I., "Image indexing using composite regional color channel featuresâ€‌, The Egyptian Computer Journal, vol. 26, Dec. 1998. See also: Proc. SPIE, Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII, vol. 3656, Jan 1999.
img-1999-Mostafa, K., Shaheen, S.I., Darwish, A.M. and Farag, I., "A Novel Approach for Detecting and Correcting Segmentation and Recognition Errors in Arabic OCR Systems"‌, 12th Inter. Conf. on Industrial & Eng. Applications of Artificial Intell. & Expert Sys., Cairo, May 1999.
img-1999-Atiya, A.F.; El-Shoura, S.M.; Shaheen, S.I.; El-Sherif, M.S., “A comparison between neural-network forecasting techniques-case study: river flow forecastingâ€‌, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 10, No. 2 , March 1999, pp. 402-409.
img-1999-Appas, Ahmed R, darwish, Ahmed M., El-Desouki, Ayman, I. and Shaheen, Samir.I., "Speeding the Vector Search Algorithm for Regional Color Channel Features Based Indexing and Retrieval Systems", IEA/AIE, pp.205-214,1999.
img-1999-Mostafa, K.,Shaheen, Samir I., Darwish, Ahmed M., and Farag, Ibrahim, "A Novel Approach for Detecting and Correcting Segmentation and Recognition Errors in Arabic OCR Systems:, IEA/AIE, pp.530-539, 1999.
img-1999-Khalil, H., Atiya, A., and Shaheen, S.I.,"Three-dimensional video compression using subband/wavelet transform with lower buffering requirements", IEEE Transactions Image Processing, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 762-773, June 1999.
img-1999-Atiya, A.,Gad, E., Shaheen, S.I., El_Dessouky, A.I., "On training piecewise linear networks", Proc. IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing NNSP-99, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1999.
img-1999-Khalil, H.,Atiya, A.,Shaheen, S.I., "Lowering buffering requirements of 3-D wavelet transform coding of interactive video", Proceedings IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, ICIP-99, Kobe, Japan, October 1999.
img-1998-Atiya, A., Aiyad, R., and Shaheen, S.I., "A practical gated expert network", Proc. 1998 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN), pp. I-419-424, Alaska, May 1998.
img-1998-Suzan El Shoura,Mohamed El Sherif,Amir Atiya,Samir Shaheen, "Neural Networks in Forecasting Models: Nile River Application"‌, Midwest Symposium on Systems and Circuits, 9-12 Augest, 1998, pp.600-603.
img-1998-Hefny, H.A., Abdel Wahab, A.H., Bahnasawi, A.A., Shaheen, S.I., "Genatic-based Fuzzy Neural Networks: A Third Order Intelligent Connectionest Modelâ€‌, Journal of Engineering and applied science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 45, 1998, pp. 87-101.
img-1998-Abo-Samra, G.E., Shaheen, S.I., Salama, I.E., “A New Model for Writer Dependent Handwriten Arabic Script Generationâ€‌, The Journal Of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Decmber, 1998, pp.1025-1038.
img-1998-El-Taweel, S. and Darwish, A.M., "Texture Segmentation Using Shannon Wavelet", Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Ain-Shams University, vol. 34, no. 2, June 1999, pp 151-163. See also IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP'98, Chicago, Oct. 1998.
img-1998-Saleh, N., Darwish, A.M. and Shaheen, S.I., “Modified Block Truncation Coding for Compression of Images with a Limited Color Paletteâ€‌, 33rd. Annual Conf. on Stat., Comp. Sc. & Oper. Research, Cairo, Dec. 1998.
img-1998-Osman, A.M., Darwish, A.M. and Shaheen, S.I., "Adaptive Synchronization for Real-Time Multimedia Applications", Proc. SPIE, Multimedia Systems and Applications, vol. 3528, Boston, Nov. 1998.
img-1998-Elsaholy, M.S.; Shaheen, S.I.; Seireg, R.H., "‌Unified Analytical Expression for Aliasing Error Probability Using Single-Input External- and Internal-XOR LFSR"‌, IEEE Trans. On Computers, Computers, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 47 Issue: 12 , Dec. 1998, Page(s): 1414 –1417
img-1998-El-Telbany, M.E.; Abdel-Wahab, A.H.; Shaheen, S.I., "Hybrid GA Statistical Method for the forcasting Problem; The prediction of the River Nile Inflows"‌, 11th Int.Conf. on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems(IEA/AIE), Cairo, May 1998, pp. 876-882.
img-1998-ME El-Telbany, AH Abdel-Wahab, Samir I Shaheen, “Forecasting of the Nile river inflows by genetic algorithms”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, pp. 337-340, 1998.
img-1997-Hefny, H.A., Abdel Wahab, A.H., Shaheen, S.I., "Genatic-based fuzzy neural Netwoek classifierâ€‌, In Proceeding of the International Connference for Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), Cairo Egypt, December 15-18, 1997, pp. 7-11.
img-1997-Abo-Samra, G.E., Shaheen, S.I., Abdel-Magid, A., “A Novel Approach for Arabic OCR Using Neural Networksâ€‌, The Scientic Bulliten, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Vol. 32, No.2, June 1997, pp. 147-168.
img-1997-Hefny, H.A., Abdel Wahab, A.H., Shaheen, S.I., "Genatic-based fuzzy neural Netwoek (GBFNN) A hybrid approach for approximationâ€‌, In Proceeding of the International Connference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA), Gold Coast, Ausralia, Februery 10-12, 1997, pp. 122-125.
img-1997-Atiya, A., Talaat, N., Shaheen, S.I., "An efficient stock market forecasting model using neural networks", Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Networks (ICNN), Houston, June 1997.
img-1996-Darwish, A.M., Bedair, M.S. and Shaheen, S. I., "An Adaptive Image Resampling Algorithm for Image Zooming,â€‌ IEE Proc. Vision, Image & Signal Processing, 1997, pp. 207-212. See also: Proc. SPIE EI: Image and Video Processing 96, vol. 2666, San Jose, Jan. 1996, pp. 131-144.
img-1996-Abdel-Azeem, E.; Seireg, R.; Shaheen, S.I. , "Cryptographic security evaluation of MD4 hash function"‌, Radio Science Conference, 1996. NRSC '96., Thirteenth National , 1996 Page(s): 345-354.
img-1996- ElBatt, T.A.; El-Henaoui, S.; Shaheen, S.; Proceeding of Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM '96. 'Communications, London, UK, 18-22 November, 1996, pp. 1201-1206.
img-1995-Shaheen, S.I., "Digital Technology: A new Revolution in Computer and Communication Systemsâ€‌, Published by Alahram January, 1999. Translated to arabic from a book by by Nicholas Negroponte, â€‌Being Digitalâ€‌, Published by Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1995.
img-1994-Elsimary, H., Mashali, S.; Darwish, A.; Shaheen, S., “Performance evaluation of a novel fault tolerance training algorithm”, IEEE Inter. Conf. On Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS’94, Vol. 3, 12-14 Sept., 1994, pp. 2011-2016.
img-1994-Shaheen, S.I., Elsimary, H., Darwish, A.M., and Mashally, S., "A Novel Fault Tolarat Training Algorithm", To be appear in the IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Dec. 1994.
img-1994-Elsimary, H., Mashaly, S., Darwish, A. M. and Shaheen, S. I., "Performance Evaluation of a Novel Fault Tolerance Training Algorithm", IEEE Inter. Conf. on Neural Networks, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, vol. II, Orlando, June 1994, pp. 856-861.
img-1994-Elsimary, H., Mashaly, S., Darwish, A. M. and Shaheen, S. I., "Performance Evaluation of a Novel Fault Tolerance Training Algorithm", IEEE Inter. Conf. on Neural Networks, 11th. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Amsterdam, Aug. 1994, 478-482.
img-1994-Shaheen, S.I., Elsimary, H., Darwish, A.M., and Mashally, S., "Performance Evaluation of A Novel Fault Tolarat Training Algorithm", The Journal Of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, May, 1994.
img-1994-Bashandy, A. R., Darwish, A. M. and Shaheen, S. I., " Recognition of Red Blood Cell Abnormalities Using a New Set of Closed Contour Features", AAAI Spring Symposium on Medical Applications of Computer Vision, Stanford, March, 1994.
img-1993-El-Aziz, A. A., Bahgat, R., Nassar, S., and Shaheen, S.I., "Implementing Panadora on Top of PROLOG", The 28 th Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Science, and Operations Research, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, December 1993.
img-1993-Shaheen, S.I., Elsimary, H., and Mashally, S., "A Method for Training Feed Forward Neural Network To Be Fualt Tolerant", Proceedings of the VARIS 93, The IEEE Virtual Reality International Symposium, Seatle Washington, September 18-22, 1993, 436-441.
img-1993-Shaheen, S.I., Elsimary, H., and Mashally, S., "Improving The Faulat Tolarance Capabilities Of Artificial Neural Networks", The Egyptian Computer Journal, ISSR, Cairo University, Vol. 21, No. 1, June 1993, pp. 33-41.
img-1993-Shaheen, S.I., Elsimary, H., and Mashally, S., "Genatic Algorithms for Faulat Tolarance Training Of Neural Networks", Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks, Vol. III (Supervised Learning), The International Neural Network Society, July 11-15, 1993, pp. A1-A4.
img-1993-Shaheen, S.I., Elsimary, H., and Mashally, S., "Neural Networks and Genatic Algorith,s: Improving the Faulat Tolarance Capabilities", Poster Presentation on the International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 93), Amesterdam 13-16, 1993.
img-1992-Shaheen, S.I., Elsimary, H., and Mashally, S., "Faulat Tolarance in Neural Networks", IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering, Kobe, Japan, September 17-19, 1992, pp. 36-42.
img-1991-Shaheen, S.I., Sabbah, A., "Machine Learning: An Application In Geotechnical Engineering", Journal Of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 385-400, April 1991.
img-1991-Shaheen, S.I., and Sabbah, A., "Single Conecpt Acquisition as a Tool For building Knowledge Databases", Journal Of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 175-190, January 1991.
img-1991-Shaheen, S.I., Abo-Samra, G.E., "On Line Arabic Cursive Script Recognition", The Egyptian Computer Journal, The Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Vol. 81, no. 2, 1991, December, 1991.
img-1990-Shaheen, S.I., "Performance Evaluation For Search Techniques in Large Databases", The 25 th Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Science, and Operations Research, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, pp. 4.231-4.249, Dec. 1990.
img-1990-Shaheen, S.I., El-Gamal, M., "A Distributed Wait For Concucrrecy Algorithm", The Egyptian Computer Journal, The Institute of Statistical Studies and Research, Cairo University, Vol. 81, no.1, pp. 68-81, June 1990.
img-1990-Shaheen, S.I.,"Analysis of the Redundant Update Problem in Fully Replicated Databases", Proceedings of the International Conference for statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 197-210, March 1990.
img-1990-Shaheen, S.I., El-Ashkar, A.A.,"A Query-By-Example Interface for A Microcomputer Based Relational Database System", International Conference for statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 181-196, March 1990.
img-1989-Shaheen, S.I., Fayek, M.B., "A New Hierarchical System for Classifying Fingerprints", The Eleventh Saudi National Computer Conference (11 NCC), King Fahd University, pp. 707-718, Zahran, March 1989.
img-1989-Shaheen, S.I., El-Rafie, A.S., "Analysis of A Hybrid Deadlock Detection Algorithm in Distributed Databases", The Eleventh Saudi National Computer Conference (11 NCC), King Fahd University, pp. 135-146, Zahran, March 1989.
img-1988-Shaheen, S.I., El-Nozahi, E.B.N., " A Test Bed for Parallel Algorithms Under UNIX Operating System", The Tenth National Computer Conference, (10 NCC), Jeddah, pp. 281-300, March 1988.
img-1987-Fayek, M., Shaheen, S.I., Saleh, F.H., " A New Approach in Fingerprint Feature Extraction and Classification", Proceedings of the International AMSE Conf. of Modelling and Simulation, New-Delhi, India, PP. 63- 74, Vol. B, October 1987.
img-1987-El-Mangoury, N.H., Shaheen, S.I., Mostafa, Y.A., "Landmark Identification in Computerized Posteroanterior Cephalometrics", The American Journal Of Orthodontics, Vol.91, No. 1, pp.57-61, January, 1987.
img-1987-Shaheen, S.I., "Dictionary for computer terms Arabic/English and English/Arabic", (Member of a Cairo University team of 24 staff members, Al-Ahram Pub. Co. 1987.
img-1987-Shaheen, S.I., "Dictionary for computer terms Arabic/English and English/Arabic", (Member of a the Commette for Arabic Language Center for Arabization of Electronic Information Processing, Zamalek, Cairo, 1987.
img-1987-Kamal, A.A., El-Dessouki,O.I., Shaheen, S.S., Darwish, N.M., "Computer-Based Engineering Education: An Egyptian Perspective", Translated to Hungarian as "A Szamitogepekre epulo mernokkepzes terve Egyiptomban", in the periodical "AV-KOMMUNIKACIO", June 1987.
img-1986-Shaheen, S.I., Baraka, H.A., "Computer Aided Geological Exploration Using Differential Gravity Techniques", Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress for statistics, Computer science, social and Demographic Research, pp. 141-155, March 29 - April 3, 1986.
img-1986-Nasr, A.N., Saleh, F.H., Shaheen, S.I., and Abdel Hady M.A., "Change Detection in Remote Sensing, The Sequential Similarity Detection Algorithms", Twentieth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Nairobi, Kenya, pp. 1339-1351, December 1986.
img-1986-Onsi, H.M., Saleh, F.H., Shaheen, S.I., and Abdel Hady M.A., "Clustering Techniques Applications in Remote Sensing", Twentieth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Nairobi, Kenya, pp.1- 8, December, 1986.
img-1986-Kamal, A.A., El-Dessouki,O.I., Shaheen, S.S., Darwish, N.M., "Computer-Based Engineering Education: An Egyptian Perspective", Proc. of the 15th Int. Symposium of Eng. Education, the Int. Society for Eng Education, "MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY", Klagenfurt, Austria, Sept., 1986.
img-1986-Shaheen, S.I., fayek, M., " A new Approach in Automatic fingerprint Processing", Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress for statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, pp. 127- 141, March 29 - April 3, 1986.
img-1985-Mokhtar M., Shaheen, S.I., " Arabic terms for Computers and Electronic processing of Information ", the Fifty Second (52) Arabic Language Congress, pp.1-56, March 3- 17, 1985.
img-1985-Shaheen, S.I., Ghafir, H.M., "Production Information and Planning system for Spinning and Weaving Industry", Proceedings of the Third Cairo University Conference on Mechanical Design and Production, pp.607-616, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 28-30, 1985.
img-1985-Shaheen, S.I., Darwish,A.M., "Microcomputer Based Image Processing System", Proceedings of MELECON'85 (IEEE Conference), Volume 11, Digital Signal Processing, pp. 311-316, Oct. 3-7, 1985.
img-1985-Shaheen, S.I., El-Rafie, A.S., " A Hybrid Algorithm for Deadlock Detection in Distributed Database Systems Using Relaxation Labelling", International Symposium: MINI and MICROCOMPUTERS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Saint Feliu de Guixols, Spain, pp. 251-255, June 25-28, 1985.
img-1985-Shaheen, S.I., El-Rafie, A.S., A Hybrid Algorithm for Deadlock Detection in Distributed Databases", Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on modelling and Simulation, Part3 (Computers, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems), pp. 1079-1085, April 25-26, 1985.
img-1985-Saleh, F.H., Shaheen, S.I., Ismail, H.M., " An Algebraic Language for a Microcomputer Based Relational Database System", Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress for Statistics, Computer Science, Social and Demographic Research, pp. 281- 297, 30 March - 4 April, 1985.
img-1984-Kamal, A.A., El-Dessouki, O.I., Shaheen, S.I., Darwish, N.M., "Computers in Engineering Education", Workshop on Computers in Education, The I.B.M. Middle East Institute Workshop, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2-5, 1984.
img-1984-Shaheen,S.I., El-Rafie,A.S., "Evaluation and Testing of the Performance of Deadlock Detection Algorithms in Distributed Databases", Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modelling and Simulation Part-4 on Computers and Applications, pp. 1513-1518, April 1984.
img-1984-Saleh, F., O. El-Dessouki, S. Shaheen, A. Nazif, "Application of Microcomputers In Spinning and Weaving Industry ", First Seminar on Industrial Research of FRCU, Faculty of Egineering, Cairo University, Sept. 23, 1984, Cairo, 1984.
img-1983-Shaheen, S.I., "Integrated Digital and Computer Circuits", McGraw Hill Pub., Cairo, 1983. Translated to arabic from a book by Bary Woolard, McGraw Hill Pub., 1978.
img-1981-Levine M.D., Shaheen,S.I., "A Modular Computer Vision System for Picture Segmentation and Interpretation", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol.3, No.5, pp.450-556, September 1981.
img-1981-Shaheen, S.I., Levine, M.D., "Some Experiments on the Interpretation Strategy of a modular Computer Vision System", Pattern Recognition Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1-6, pp. 87-100, July 1981.
img-1979-Shaheen, S.I., Levine, M.D., "A modular Computer Vision System Image Segmentation and Interpretation",Part I and Part II, Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, pp. 523-539, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1979.
img-1979-Shaheen, S.I."Image Segmentation and Interpretation Using a Knowledge Database", Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1979.
img-1978-Shaheen, S.I., Levine, M.D., "Image Segmentation and Interpretation Using a Knowledge Database", Second International Conference of the Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Toronto, Canada, pp. 125-134, 19-21 July 1978.
img-1974-Shaheen, S.I., Atia, F.S., and Bilal, A. Y., "Coefficient Sensitivity and Round-Off Errors in Multiple Shift Digital Filters", IEE Conference on Circuits and Systems, London, July, 1974.
img-1974-Shaheen S.I., "Coefficient Sensitivity and Round-Off Errors in Multiple Shift Digital Filters" , M. Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 1974.
img--Redhwan MA Saad, Khaled AM Al Soufy, Samir I Shaheen, "Security in smart home environment: issues, challenges, and countermeasures-a survey", International Journal of Security and Networks, Vol 18, issu 1, pp. 1-9, 2023
Recent Projects :
img-2013-faculty Of Engineering Information System
img-2004-2000-Family Medicine Project - A data warehouse for Family Medicine in the rural Areas covering 4 governerates
img-2004-1999-E-Learning Initiative - Ministry of Communication and Information technology
img-2004-Tempus Project 2004 "Elearning center" - The main objective to build An E-Learning Center including both Hardware and Softwrae for Computer ENgineering Department. We have also built contenet for all Computer Engineering Courses in the Faculty of Engineering, cairo University.
img-2003-2012-التنسيق الإلكترونى - Electronic System for High School Students to Get to Higher Education Institutions
img-2003-التنسيق الالكترونى Electronic Distribution of Students to the Unoversities and Institutes.
img-2003-TELEMEDICINE NETWORK (Connecting Hospitals in Cairo, BaniSwif, Mahalla El-Kubra, Aswan, Sharm Elshiekh, and Luxor Hospitals).
img-1997-Cairo University Fiber network. The aim was to build a complete fiber network with all needed Switches to connect all Faculties and Schools in Cairo University. We used ATM technology at the time with 200 KM of Fiber cables (Single and Multimode). The impelementation was final in 1998.
img-1993-Design and Implementaion of a Cairo University Central Library Information System, The Supereme Council of Universities, 1991-1993
Recent Books :
img-2004-Shaheen, S.I., "Blown to Bits”, Published by the Egyptian Society for the dissemination of Universal Cultural and Knowledge (ESDUCK), 2004. Translated to arabic from a book “How The New Economics of Information Transforms Startegy” by Philips Evans and Thomas S. Rosters, Published by Franklin Organization, Boston Consulting Group and Harvard Bissinuss School, 2000.
img-2004-Shaheen, S.I., “Dictionary of Computer an Information Terms”, Ilias Publishing house, Cairo, 2004.
img-1998-Shaheen, S.I., "Digital Technology: A new Revolution in Computer and Communication Systems”, Published by Alahram January, 1998. Translated to arabic from a book by by Nicholas Negroponte, ”Being Digital”, Published by Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1995.
img-1988-Shaheen, S.I., and El-Desouki, O.I., "A First Course in Computer Programming Using PASCAL", El-dar El- daowliah for publishing and distribution, Cairo, 1988. Translated to arabic from a book by Arther M. Killer, McGraw Hill Pub., 1986.
img-1987-Shaheen, S.I., "Dictionary for computer terms Arabic/English and English/Arabic", (Member of a the Commette for Arabic Language Center for Arabization of Electronic Information Processing, Zamalek, Cairo, 1987.
img-1987-Computer Organization and Architecture
img-1983-Artificial Intelligence
Recent Courses :
img-2013-Cryptography and Computer Security
img-2012-Computer System Consultation and Law
img-2012-Advanced Computer Networks
img-2011-Computer Systems and Network Cryptography
img-2010-Adevanced Database System
img-2009-Software Engineering
img-2008-Introduction to Database Systems
img-2005-Computer Networks
img-2003-Computer Graphics
img-1988-System Analysis and Software Engineering
img-1981-Data Structures
Recent Prizes :
img-2019-جائزة التميز في البحث الغلمي في العلوم الهندسية
img-2014-جائزة الدولة التقديرية فى العلوم التكنولوجية المتقدمة فى مجال العلوم الهندسية
Graduate Students :
img-2012-Eng. Hany Helmy -
Conferences :
img-2021-17th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) Faculty Of Engineering , Cairo University, Giza , Egypt December 29-30, 2021.
img-2020-16th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) Faculty Of Engineering , Cairo University Giza , Egypt December 29-30, 2020
img-2019-15th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) Faculty Of Engineering , Cairo University, Giza , Egypt, December 29-30, 2019.
img-2018-14th International Computer Engineering Conference, Faculty Of Engineering , Cairo, University, Giza , Egypt December 29-30, 2018
img-2017-13th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 27-28 Dec. 2017.
img-2016-12th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) 28-29 Dec.2016.
img-2015-11th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), Egypt, 29-30 Dec. 2015
img-2014-10th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 29-30 Dec. 2014
img-2013-9th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO) 28-29 Dec. 2013
img-2012-8th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), Egypt, 29-30 Dec. 2012
img-2011-9th International Conference on Computer Engineering, Giza, Egypt, Dec. 27-28 2011.
img-2010-8th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), Egypt, 27-28 Dec. 2010
img-2009-7th International Conference on Computer Engineering,Giza, Egypt, Dec. 26-28, 2009.
img-2002-1st International Conference of Computer Engineering (ICENCO), Egyptm Dec. 26-28, 2010.
img-1979-International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE, Chicago, Aug. 7-8, 1979.
Patents :
Administrative Positions :
img-2008-Dean (2005-2008) Faculty of Engineering Cairo University Egypt
img-2004-Vice Dean Faculty of Engineering Cairo University Egypt
img-2004-Chair 2004-2005 Cairo University scientific Computer Center Cairo University Egypt
img-2001-Dean (2001-2002) National Telecommunication Institute Cairo Egypt
img-1996-Vice Dean (1996-2001) National telecommunication Institute Ministry of Communications and Information technology Cairo Egypt
img-1994-Director Cairo University Computer Center
Areas of Expertise :
Membership in Scientific Societies :
img-2016-عضو المجمع العلمى المصرى
img-1985-Member of ACM
img-1974-Senior Memebr IEEE
img-1971-Member of Engineering Syndicate, Egypt
Professional Activities :
img-1990-Consultant - Information and Communication Technology