Teaching Assistant:Ahmed Mohamed Faheem Mohamed Zobaa
Electrical Power and Machines
Email :cufe.ahmedzobaa***gmail.com
imgB.Sc. (2013) "Electrical Power Engineering " Cairo University (Egypt)
imgM.Sc. (2018) "Electrical Power Engineering " Cairo University (Egypt)
imgPh.D. (2023) "Electrical Power Engineering" Cairo University (Egypt)
Fields of Interest :
imgRenewable Energy
imgPower Quality
imgPower System Optimization and Control
Recent Publications :
img-2023-Comparative Analysis of Optimal Damped and Undamped Passive Filters Using MIDACO-Solver
img-2023-Bi-Level Damped Double-Tuned Harmonic Passive Filters Design: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis
Recent Books :
img-2021-Introductory Chapter: Emerging Electric Machines - Advances, Perspectives and Applications
Conferences :
img-2021-Comparative Analysis of Double-Tuned Harmonic Passive Filter Design Methodologies Using Slime Mould Optimization Algorithm